How Much Do Architects Earn? - Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (2024)

What states and provinces have the highest paid architects? The interactive map on this page allows you to explore this data. By sliding the median wage filter, you can discover that in the United States, California has the highest median wage, while Connecticut also has a median wage of $40/hour or more. In Canada, the highest paid architects can be found in Alberta, where the median wage is $34/hour CAD, while architects in British Columbia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan also earn $30/hour or more CAD.

The lowest paid architects in the United States can be found in Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Wyoming, and South Carolina, where the median wage is lower than $30/hour. In Canada, the maritime provinces of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and New Brunswick have the lowest paid architects, with median wages of $24-25/hour CAD.

To find out which U.S. states have the highest and lowest paid architects once wages are adjusted by regional price parities, you can use toggle between these two views. In actual wages, the states with the highest pay are largely clustered in the northeast and west, but when adjusted based on the differences in prices for goods and services in each state, the map changes substantially.

You can also filter by median wage, zoom in on a single region, or hover over a state or province to get all its details. Orcheck out the accompanying static graphic at theACSA Atlas Project.

How Much Do Architects Earn? - Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (2024)
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